Your Prayers Are Needed…and are being answered!

Over the last several months, we have been so very blessed to be part of planting a church in the downtown Makati area of the greater Manila.

We would like to introduce you to one of our newest attenders – Roldan Imbo.

Roldan has been an orphan for many years, living at the Village of Hope.  In June of 2015, he began studying under scholarship at the Philippine Missionary Institute, pursuing a Bachelor of Theology / music.

Updates are being added to the end of the story.

Sam praying for Roldan
The Gencon Makati Church praying for Roldan this past Sunday night.

Over the last few months, Roldan has been on a very difficult journey.  In August he was diagnosed with infectious endocarditis, a bacterial infection of the heart valves. It apparently is a result of a reactivation of rheumatic  heart disease. In the Philippines, with antibiotic treatment only, it has a mortality rate of around 80%.

During the ensuing treatment, Roldan experienced acute kidney failure and then liver failure.  Through much answered prayer Roldan has overcome these obstacles and is now moving towards open heart surgery.

Roldan has truly won the hearts of the medical community.  Several of the doctors have provided discounted fees. has partnered with Village of Hope, and is providing a means for donations. Praise God, the more than $30,000 USD needed for the life-saving, open heart surgery have been raised.

Roldan is scheduled for a tri-valve replacement on Wednesday morning, December 9th, Philippine Time.  This will be around 3pm, Tuesday, December 8th, (U.S.  Mountain Time). 

Would you PLEASE commit to begin earnestly praying for Roldan, for the doctors, for a successful surgery, and recovery.   There is much power in prayer – and right now – we need a global prayer team to lift up Roldan, and his family from the Village of Hope!

Roldan with Ministry Team
From left to right – Connie, Roldan, Todd, Pastor Sam Tamayo


*** Tuesday, December 8th, Evening Update

Roldan has been admitted to the hospital for pre-surgery preparations after a very long admission process (he was 21st in line for a room).

There are many key people who are part of this story – one is Ricardo.  Ricardo has been part of a training program for young adults who are learning how to give back blessings to the community.  He has been actively involved with Village of Hope, often working overtime at his job to fund his involvement with the mission.

Even though Ricardo was scheduled to leave and go on to a career-advancing training program, he postponed his training so that he could stay by Roldan’s side!  Whether it be at home, at the hospital, at church, or traveling in-between, you will not find Ricardo far away – a formidable Guardian Angel!

From the people who are physically by Roldan’s side to those who are praying from around the world – everyone is needed!  We will continue to keep you posted as the journey continues over the next few days.

Roldan and Ricardo
Roldan and his Guardian Angel – Ricardo.


*** Wednesday, December 9th, 12 noon update

We have been speaking with Jam (who is a nurse and coordinator at the Village of Hope Orphanage where Roldan has grown up) she is at his bedside around the clock with Ricardo.

From Jam: “This is Roldan with his IV line already in. NPO (nothing orally to eat) since 5am. He is hungry but since he is ready, he is keeping it together. Monitoring his sugar too. Labs came in and they are all in the normal ranges! Oh thank God! Hemoglobin, platelet, prothrombin and thrombin time, magnesium, Na, K, Creatinine.  Waiting for the orderly to shave his chest, and then it is off to surgery. The large needles for the catheter did concern him, but we are trying to help him keep his mind off of these things.”

20151209 1200 Prayer Map
Prayer Map of those who are praying from around the World as of noon 12/09.

We are praising God for the number of prayer warriors who are committing to pray:  As of noon, Philippine time, there were 480 documented people praying for him from 26 nations. Nations: US, Philippines, Canada, Australia, NewZealand, Mexico, United Kingdom, Thailand, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Japan, St. Lucia, France, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, European Union, Indonesia, Northern Marianas, S. Korea, Guam, Singapore, Ghana, Qatar, Uganda, United Arab Emirates.

When Jam shared this with Roldan his response was, 
“Wow! (in his usual shocked reaction) Too many places!!”  

Let’s get a few more places praying for Roldan today!

*** Wednesday, December 9th, 10:30 PM, Philippine Time

Please see this post from the founder of the Village of Hope Orphanage, Jeanette Auxtero Propp.

Thank you Lord for getting Roldan Imbo through his operation! Thank you friends and partners for praying. He just got taken to the recovery room. Please continue to pray that there are no complications and pray for a fast recovery. I can now breathe a little bit. Thank you for being there for Roldan.

The surgeon reported that the tricuspid valve had improved, so they only ended up replacing the Mitral and the Aortic, so only a two valve versus three valve replacement. He will be under observation for the next 24 hours for stroke, aneurysm, etc.

*** Thursday, December 10th, 11:00 AM, Philippine Time

Jam David from Village of Hope shared this great news today!

“He woke up! Smiled, gave us a ‘salute’ sign!  – Oh that moment!  14 hours to go (critical post-operative monitoring).  Now he feels hungry!

Thanking God also for the worldwide prayer group! (I have seen the update last night!) We can feel your presence from this part of the globe.

We managed to practice signs that he may use while in there if he can’t use his hands and lips. And he remembered! He is recuperating faster than expected, which is a good sign.

SPAGHETTI. That is what he wants to eat when he is able.”

20151209 just prior to surgery
Roldan – photo taken just prior to being wheeled into surgery on Wednesday.

Please continue to keep Roldan, Jam, Ricardo, and the team in your prayers – these are critical hours and days as his body responds to this life-saving but body-traumatic surgery.

*** Thursday, December 10th, 8:00 PM, Philippine Time

Roldan has now passed 24 hours since the heart valve surgery.  Jam from Village of Hope, the nurse and caretaker for Roldan, provided this update tonight:

Roldan Early summer
Roldan earlier this year when suffering from liver and kidney failure.  He’s come a long way!

“Roldan’s intubation tube is out. They are continuing to keep a close eye on his heart rate because it is still faster than normal, at around 105. He was on Digoxin prior to the surgery (helps make the heart beat stronger and with better rhythm) and his medical team plans to put him back on it while continuing his Penicillin. 

The nurse said that they will start him on clear fluids and if his throat can tolerate that, he may have a soft diet soon. He is begging his nurse to give him some pineapple juice – but that will have to wait for now.  With the IV pain medication, he is in and out of consciousness.” 

We are praising God for the progress so far! Please continue to keep Roldan, in your prayers.


*** Friday, December 11th, 1100 AM, Philippine Time

jam David
Jam David

The journey of recovery continues it has now been 38 hours in the Recovery Room.  Jam from Village of Hope has been able to be in Roldan’s room, talk with him, and encourage him.  She shared this morning that she was able to tell him about all of the people praying for him, he was very encouraged.

heart pillow
Roldan’s heart-shaped pillow.

Roldan’s heart rate is still elevated and he has been afraid to cough because of the pain.  He is doing well on his breathing (deep breathing encouraged post surgery). Most of the lines are out.  He will need to be transfused with additional blood as his hemoglobin is low.  Doctors will also be running a urine culture to check if there is any infection.  He will possibly transfer to an ordinary room anytime today.

“I am really thankful for this team…it is big and God made sure that every part has been taken care of.  God is awesome!” – Jam David

Please continue to keep Roldan, Jam, Ricardo, the medical teams, and the Village of Hope family in your prayers!



23 thoughts on “Your Prayers Are Needed…and are being answered!”

    1. Parry – thank you so very much. We will definitely keep everyone posted. Please consider sharing the request with others in your social network community, so as to garner the greatest amount of prayer support as possible. Blessings! Todd


  1. Thanks for the posts and updates. I’m praying for the whole situation and you guys involved. God bless ya.


  2. Awesome, so wonderful to hear that God’s word will be shared with so many, praying for you guys, and for this church ⛪, God Bless you all


  3. Right now at 3:30 Pacific time on Tuesday, this handsome young man should be in surgery now and I have been praying for him. May the Lord be with him in his recovery and his future. Irene Ekkens


  4. Just reading that Ricardo put his life on hold to be by Roldan’s side made me tear up. I feel the Holy Spirit all over this whole situation. I heard someone say that yesterday’s test is tomorrow’s testimony.; I can’t wait to hear how God uses this story to change the world for Him. Prayers from America (California). PS. This is Kuya Mike’s sister.


    1. Kim, Thanks so much for your prayers and for your taking the time to share encouraging words. This is truly a demonstration of God’s blessing in the lives of many who are involved in this story. Thanks for your continued prayers!


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