Continuing the Work of a Great Missionary


We are just wrapping up the church planting seminar here at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. As I was walking up to the library, I saw a display cabinet and stopped to look at the items.  I was so excited to see the item remembering the work of Peter Burkhart here in the Philippines.  Peter and his wife Meryle attend our home church, Karcher Church of the Nazarene and served as missionaries here in the Philippines.  Thank you guys for your tremendous legacy here on the Asia Pacific Region.

Collaboration Conference on Church Planting at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary


Article Written for Nazarene Communications Network

Manila, Philippines:  “Church planting does not take place by accident, it must be birthed from the heart of God and then must be planned!”  This is the theme that is being shared by presenter John Bond, from Australia, as he teaches a seminar this week to over 50 church planters from across the nation of the Philippines and the Asia Pacific Region.  The seminar, being held at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary April 3-5th, is entitled Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) and is a joint venture between the Philippine Field, Asia Pacific Regional Office, and the Jesus Film Program.  Participants have come from 11 Nazarene Districts, three of our Nazarene Colleges (Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary,  Philippine Nazarene College, and Visayan Nazarene Bible College). In addition, 11 Jesus Film Team Leaders are present as well as Field Strategy Coordinators from Southeast Asia, Sea Lands, Melanesia/South Pacific, Philippine/Micronesia, Austrailia New Zealand and Creative Access Fields.

Asia Pacific Regional Director Mark Louw opened the conference by making clear that, “Every church has the mandate to start a new church that will start a new church! We need to be a church that is about the business of growing the Church…we are not as the Church of the Nazarene, independent planters or churches, but we are co-laborers working together as a team to make the greatest impact possible on our Region.
Collaborative effort of this type builds incredible synergy and results not just in the growth of the Church, but in the development of strong disciples of Christ.  Please continue to pray for the Asia Pacific Region as we move forward with this strategy in the days and years ahead!

Arrival to Manila on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2013

Descending into Manila
The countryside of the Philippines.
Descending below the clouds.
Fishing platforms and homes in the bay at Manila
More fishing villages.
The edge of the city.
The downtown area of Manila.
Finally the airport.
Road trip from International Airport to Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Cafeteria - Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Dynamic Church Planting Seminar - April 3-8, Manila, Philippines


Arrived in the Philippines!


Dear Friends and Family,

After 30+ hours of traveling, I have arrived safely in Manila.  The flight was absolutely without issue – thanks for your prayers.  I had a significant amount of time to read, reflect, study, and prepare for this week of meetings.  I will say that if you have to choose an International Airport in the Asia Pacific Region for a long layover -Incheon International in Seoul is tops!  Free showers, massage chairs, reclining chairs with blankets and pillows.  They go out of their way to make weary travelers feel welcome –  a real blessing.  I arrived at final destination refreshed, showered, shaved, and ready to tackle the tasks of the afternoon.  I will try to add a few photos daily of the events as they happen.

I want to say, God is so very good!  Yesterday somewhere over Russia, the magnitude of what we are undertaking finally really hit home.  The adrenaline was wearing off, the fatigue of the last month settling in, and a wave of, “what on earth are we getting ourselves into” started to wash over me.  I have found that it is in times like these where going to the Word is so vitally important.  As it was already Monday in this area of the world, I opened my Bible and Our Daily Bread, and began to spend some quality time with God.  I don’t know why I was absolutely blown away, as I have seen God speak through His word so many times that I shouldn’t be surprised, but here it was again, God speaking through His Word.  The assigned scripture reading for Monday, April 1, 2013 was Psalm 139:1-12.  Verse 9 leapt off the pages, “If I rise on the Wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me.”   Our Daily Bread is written and prepared by multiple writers months in advance, but yet on this day, when I had awoken in the early hours and literally taken wing to settle on the far side of the sea, God was reminding me that He would be with us.  Defying the odds of coincidence, showing up on the scene, speaking through His living word.  We serve a mighty God.  Thank you Lord for your living word, may we be ever sensitive to hear from you.

Yours and His,